The scissor series for hairdressers with outstanding demands on their tools.


Real high performers for the discerning hairdresser in various designs.


The scissor range for price-conscious hairdressers.

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What professional hair cutting scissors size do we recommend?

Are you a professional hairstylist seeking the perfect pair of scissors for your craft? At Sessio, we understand the pivotal role that quality tools play in your artistry. When it comes to selecting the ideal professional hair cutting scissors, here are our recommendations to ensure precision, comfort, and superior performance:

Our collection encompasses meticulously created scissors designed to deliver comfort, durability, and exceptional performance. However, choosing the ideal size depends on individual preferences, cutting techniques, and hand size.

We invite you to explore our range of premium quality scissors, each carefully engineered to take your cutting experience. At Sessio, we’re committed to providing hairstyling professionals with tools that enhance their artistry and precision.

Sessio Beauty



With over 40 years of dedicated expertise, we at Sessio are driven by passion for creating hairdressing scissors. Each pair embodies the fusion of masterful craftsmanship and best technology. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every pair of scissors delivers ergonomics, uncompromising quality, and exceptional performance.

Enjoy the best quality, scissors made by Sessio

Explore our extensive collection featuring a diverse range of premium hairdressing and texturing scissors. We prioritize ergonomic designs and precision engineering to meet the exacting standards of professionals like you. At Sessio, investing in our scissors means embracing a legacy of superior quality and innovation in every cut.

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What Handle
Should You Use?

We believe that handle ergonomics are the most important part of any shears, they dictate the comfort and control you feel when cutting whilst either protecting you from ( or causing ) career threatening injuries such as Carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI or wrist, back and shoulder strain.


Offset Handle

A common, versatile design suitable for most hairstylists. Offers a relaxed cutting style but requires mindful elbow positioning.


Swivel Handle

Ideal for those with RSI or Carpal Tunnel issues, easing wrist strain. Recommended for experienced stylists due to its unique thumb insert.


Classic Handle

Features a flat, symmetrical design; best for those who prefer using the middle finger in the finger rest hole. Careful, as this technique can lead to wrist issues over time.

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Majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.